Preamble: This institute was granted autonomous status by UGC, New Delhi and NMU, Jalgaon from academic year 2014-15 for all UG and PG programmes run by this institute. To execute autonomy smoothly the position of various deans, technical registrar and controller of examination etc were required in addition to regular posts of HoD and registrar. Accordingly, additional charge of various positions is given to faculty members and regular registrar is appointed by State Government.
Sr No |
Designation |
Name of faculty member |
1 |
Dean (Academics) |
Dr. S. P. Mohani, Associate Professor and Head - E&Tc. Engg. |
2 |
Dean (Research and Development) and Community Projects Coordinator |
Dr. M. K. Sonpimpale, Associate Professor in Mech. Engg. |
3 |
Dean (Innovation, Incubation and Linkages), and TPO |
Mr. M. S. Sadavarte, Assistant Professor in E&Tc Engg. |
4 |
Dean (Students Activities) |
Dr. R. B. Kamble , Assistant Professor in Physics |
5 |
Dean (Planning, Finance and Special Initiatives) |
Mr.V. T. Patil, Associate Professor (CAS) in Applied Mechanics |
6 |
Dean (Quality Assurance) | Dr. P. J. Gaidhane, Associate Professor (CAS) in Instru. Engg. |
7 |
Controller of Examination
Dr. Mrs. S. C. Jadhav, Assistant Professor in E&Tc Engg. |
8 |
Dean (Knowledge Resources and Communications) |
Dr. Mrs. V. R. Saraf, Assistant Professor in Civil Engg. |
9 |
Registrar (Office) |
Mr. C. A. Suryawanshi, Registrar |