- About
- R&D Cell Composition
- Policy
Research, Development and Community Project Cell
Dean, Research and Development
Dr. M. K. Sonpimpale
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon
Research Guide
Sr. No. | Guide Name | Department |
1 | Dr. Suhas S. Gajare | E&TC Engineering |
2 | Dr. S. T. Vagge | Mechanical Engineering |
3 | Dr. Gajanan Madhvarao Malwatkar | Instrumentation Engineering |
4 | Dr. Macchendra Kisan Sonpimple | Mechanical Engineering |
5 | Dr. Prashant Jaychand Gaidhane | Instrumentation Engineering |
6 | Dr. Ramesh Bhujangrao Kamble | Science and Hum. |
7 | Dr. Samadhan Chandrakant Kulkarni | E&TC Engineering |
8 | Dr. Shripad Parbhakar Mohani | E&TC Engineering |
9 | Dr. Sunil Apparao Patil | Mechanical Engineering |
10 | Dr. Vidya Rohidas Saraf | Civil Engineering |
Research Laboratory
01 |
Civil Engineering |
Recognized |
02 |
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
Recognized |
03 |
Instrumentation Engineering |
Recognized |
04 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Recognized |
05 |
Electrical Engineering |
Recognized |
List of Research Scholars
Name of the Research scholar | Name of Guide | Year of Recognition as Research Guide | Year of registration of the scholar | Title of the research topic |
Vijaykumar Sidramappa Biradar | Dr. Gajanan Madhvarao Malwatkar | 2018 | 2018 | A Sliding Mode Control Approach for Open Loop Stable and Unstable Processes |
Ishwar Jadhav | 2018 | Optimal Sliding Mode Control Strategies for Linear and Uncertain Systems | ||
MAHESHKUMAR SHANTARAM PATIL | 2018 | Statistical Process Monitoring and Analysis using Advanced Tools for Smart Manufacturing | ||
Mr. Shaktikumar Ranjit Shiledar | 2019 | Discrete time sliding mode control strategies for performance improvement of systems | ||
Mahendra Keshaw Dawane | 2019 | Investigation and Implementation of Robust Control Methods for Parametric Uncertain Systems | ||
Ankush Madhukar Gund | 2019 | Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Industrial Automation Using Low-Cost Embedded Platforms. | ||
Pravin Turare | 2023 | RRC yet to be completed | ||
Sunil Panchal | 2023 | RRC yet to be completed | ||
SHAFEEQUERRAHMAN SHABBIR AHMED | Dr. Shripad Parbhakar Mohani | 2018 | 2020 | Wireless Sensor Network for Removal of Drainage Blockages |
Ms. Yogita Dinkar Kapse | 2018 | Optimization of System Parameters for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) based Communication System | ||
Vishal Vasant Deshpande | 2020 | A Novel Approach towards Software Defined Optical Network Path Selection | ||
Vishwaraj S.Tayade | Dr. Macchendra Kisan Sonpimple | 2021 | 2023 | Tribological Behaviour and Wear Mechanism of Metal Matrix Composites with Natural Fibre Reinforcement |
NAGESH SAKHARAM PANDE | Dr.Prashant Jaychand Gaidhane | 2020 | 2020 | A Dynamic real time interphase power flow technique of railway platform roof top solar power interface with 25 kV overhead Traction |
Mohammed Mujtahid Mohammed Mohsin Ansari | 2022 | Analysis and Enhancing Power System Stability with High Penetration of Renewable Energy | ||
Vijay Sitaram Pawar | 2022 | Optimal Power Quality Enhancement of Solar Photovoltaic Integrated into Grid Using Hybrid Technique | ||
Satish Shivnarayan Kabra | 2022 | An Efficient Hybrid Approach for Power Quality Improvement in Grid Tied PV based EV Charging Station | ||
Nilesh Suresh Mahajan | 2022 | Optimal Design of Demand Side Energy Management for Hybrid Energy Storage System | ||
NITIN MAHADEO KHANDARE | 2022 | Enhancement of System Protection through Discrimination of Inrush Currents and Fault Currents of Transformer | ||
Mr. Vilas Nikam | Dr. V R Saraf | 2017 | 2018 | Assessment of Ground water contamination by waste disposal around Nashik city using Fuzzy logic |
Mr. Rahul Jain | 2018 | Extraction of heavy metals from waste water using biosorbants |
Proposal submitted for research funding
Sr. No. |
Scheme |
Title |
Amount |
01 |
STTP- Short Term Training Program |
Docker: Infrastructure, Developers and IT Opeations |
4,90,000 |
02 |
ModROb- Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence |
Modernization of Engineering Physics Laboratory |
13,50,000 |
03 |
STTP- Short Term Training Program |
Machine Learning using Python |
4,80,000 |
04 |
SPDP-Skill and Personality Development Programme |
Center for SC/ST students Government status |
24,84,000 |
05 |
STTP- Short Term Training Program |
Recent Developments in Marine Robotics |
4,15,000 |
06 |
FDP-Faculty Development Program |
Advances in industrial Instrumentation and Control |
5,85,000 |
07 |
UBA-Unnat Bharat Abhiyan |
Health Parameter Analysis in Rural Area |
5,00,000 |
Total |
68,04,000 |
1 | Dean (R & D) and Community project coordinator | Dr.M.K.Sonpimpale | Mechanical |
2 | RDCP Cell Faculty (Instru+Electrical) | Mr.A.M.Dongardive | Instru |
3 | RDCP Cell Faculty (E&TC + Mech) | Dr.Mrs.M.R.Dhotre | E&TC |
4 | RDCP Cell Faculty (Comp + Civil) | Mr.T.K.Gawali | Comp |
5 | RDCP Cell Staff (Instru+Electrical) | Mr.H.Y.Deshmukh | Mech |
6 | RDCP Cell Staff (E&TC + Mech) | Mr.J.N.Jadhav | Instru |
7 | RDCP Cell Staff (Comp + Civil) | Mr.Tawar | Comp |
8 | RDCP Cell Staff (FY) | Mrs.B.V.Kalsait | S&H |
Institute Research and Development Policy
Research is proved as the key of the development of today’s smart world due to the continuous
innovation and advancements with the emerging technology. The ever-growing technology has
been impacted human life a lot which is becoming very smart day by day. The advanced
technology facilitates life with the ample comfort, convenient, and sophisticated life style. It is
observed that the advanced technology is being quickly demanded by the masses which may
boost the industrial and economical growth of the nation. In the similar line, Government
College of Engineering, Jalgaon is committed to engage the students and faculty in basic and
advanced long-term research in frontier areas.
R & D Cell Overview
R & D Cell which aims to nurture research culture in the institute by promoting research in the
emerging frontier areas of Science, Engineering, and Technology and interdisciplinary research.
It encourages the students and faculty to undertake the research in frontier areas including
multidisciplinary fields to create budding technocrats by promoting students participating in
conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition, and various technical events etc. In order
to promote research and development activities, the institute extends its full support to students
and faculty. Institute offers full or partial financial support to the students and faculty members
for all innovative research ideas, proposals, trainings, and publications.
1. To encourage/motivate students and faculty to create awareness of research in frontier
areas of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
2. To create research friendly environment in the institute among students and faculty they
are encouraged to undergo training programs like seminars, workshops, and sensitization
programs to develop research culture of institute.
3. Arranging guest lecturers under Institute-Industry-Interaction programs to promote
research as per need of industry and to enhance quality of UG by offering internship at
SYBTech level and monitoring of UG and PG final projects.
4. Modernizing the existing laboratories with additional experimental research set
ups/instruments and technology for utilizing the labs for research activity
5. To provide the facility to the faculty in the form of incentives, fees exemption (fully or
partly) for the in-house Ph.D registered faculty, sabbatical leaves, academic leaves for the
Ph.D work.
6. To provide the in-house funding for R & D projects mentioning the guidelines and targets
to achieve the expected outcome of the projects proposed.
7. To undertake research activities via research projects offered by funding agencies like
8. To establish centers of excellence and innovation labs to promote research activities in
frontier areas of science and technology to create research conducive environment.
9. To encourage faculty and students to publish technical papers/research papers in peer
reviewed National and International Conferences/Journals.
10. To encourage and facilitate financial support to the faculty and students to apply for the
patents for their innovative findings.
Roles & Responsibilities of R & D Cell
Dean (R & D) will be assisted by a faculty designated R & D coordinator deputed one each from
all the departments, as they are expected to provide the necessary R & D related information of
their department from time to time and help in executing the Dean’s duties effectively.
Dean (R & D) will assist the Principal in the effective implementation as mentioned below
1. Approval for faculty members to attend research related seminars, workshops,
conferences, and paper publication.
2. Encourage and motivate faculty and students for adopting innovative approaches in their
field of interest.
3. Implementation of reimbursement policy of the Institute.
4. Provide guidance for submitting proposals to funding agencies as required.
5. Assisting the faculty/students in writing research articles, filing patents as required.
6. Create and maintain a database regarding faculty research expertise and publications.
7. Framing rules for industrial sponsored research and consultancy on case to case basis.
8. Any other R & D related tasks as assigned by Principal/Management.
9. To enhance the Research Ecosystem of the college to preserve the code of ethics of the
college while publishing.
10. To pave path for the teachers, students and researchers to collaborate for research.
Expected Outcomes of R&D Cell
The significant factors indicating potential growth in the research activities includes the
enhancement in the research publications in peer reviewed journals, Research Projects/
grants, Patents, Collaborations, Doctoral and FDP programs. R & D cell will monitor the
following major activities:
? Enhanced number of research proposals, quality publications and patents
? Enhanced interaction with R&D organizations and institutes
? Improved quality of UG and PG project
? Awareness in students about recent advances and developments in Science, Engineering
and Technology.
? Enhanced involvement of faculty and students to solve industrial and societal problems.
? Enhanced participation of students in national and international innovation events.
The R & D Cell will:
1. Undertake timely, extensive review of projects from time to time
2. Establish policies and guidelines as per need
3. Establish the procedure to sanction seed funding for in house research projects
4. Participate in meetings/conferences as suggested by the Chair.
5. Submit feedbacks and updates to the Chair.
6. Arrange meetings and delegate responsibilities.
7. Provide written feedback to funding recommendations submitted by students and faculty.
8. Review the agenda and minutes for each meeting.
Incentives for Conference/Publications/Patents
In order to motivate the faculty members towards research, publishing and patenting their
research findings in reputed journals/patents with minimum one impact factor, incentives are
given to faculty members.
Research Publications | Incentive amount in Rs. |
Conference (National/International |
With prior permission as per expenses |
SCOPUS Journals | 15000 |
WOS Journals | 5000 |
UGC Journals | 5000 |
Book Chapter | 10000 |
SCI Journals | 20000 |
Proposals for the above expenses will be permitted and sanctioned after the critical examination
by Dean R & D and Chair of the Institute.
The above Institute Research Policy will be implemented with the permission of Chair/BoG of
the institute.